all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 8UA 32 0 53.42561 -2.864433
L14 8UB 40 0 53.427049 -2.863033
L14 8UD 9 1 53.427976 -2.861667
L14 8UE 88 0 53.425392 -2.864443
L14 8UH 44 0 53.426699 -2.865554
L14 8AA 49 0 53.425114 -2.863113
L14 8UL 1 0 53.427826 -2.866239
L14 8UR 14 0 53.427734 -2.857779
L14 8UW 39 0 53.426426 -2.864374
L14 8UX 37 0 53.427676 -2.863346
L14 8UY 38 0 53.426709 -2.861686
L14 8UZ 20 0 53.427454 -2.863071
L14 8XA 20 0 53.426849 -2.862111
L14 8XB 26 0 53.430838 -2.875963
L14 8XD 25 0 53.429617 -2.873334
L14 8XE 46 0 53.427851 -2.870243
L14 8XG 7 3 53.430525 -2.87704
L14 8XH 36 0 53.427757 -2.86839
L14 8XJ 16 0 53.427846 -2.869656
L14 8XL 24 0 53.428294 -2.868672